Two decisions must be made; #1 the composter's capacity and #2 whether to start with a basic kit or a premium kit.

Capacity: Fortunately, dumpsters come in common sizes, these are 10-yard, 20-yard 30-yard and 40-yard capacities. The Dungster Aeration Kits are likewise available in these four common sizes. Make your choice from the table provided below. (Special sizes and non-dumpster aerations kits are available upon request).

Basic Kit or a Premium Kit: This decision determines how your composting process will operate.

With the Basic Kit you have one dumpster and aeration equipment for one dumpster. When full and actively composting (for about a month's time) the new material arriving daily needs to be kept someplace else. When the actively composting batch finishes, and its dumpster is emptied and ready for a new batch, the new material must then be handled again from storage and placed into the readied composting dumpster.

The Premium Kit has twice the aeration equipment but only one blower and control. When one of the two aeration kits is actively composting, in a roll-off dumpster, the second kit, in a second dumpster is receiving daily additional material. This is the advised approach as it provides all the Best Management Practices (BMP).

The Premium Kit means no double handling and no storage which translates into better environmental conditions, better housekeeping and mitigating issues with odors and vermin.

Relax, no decision on capacity or of basic vs premium kits are irreversible. The Dungster approach is scalable and adjustable. It is easy to convert a 20-yard kit to a 30-yard kit, or a 30-yard kit to a 40-yard kit. And likewise, a basic kit can be expanded into a premium kit with ease. Dungster will advise exactly what you need to buy to make these conversions.

Note: with the premium kit, you will need to obtain TWO dumpsters of the SAME volumetric capacity.

After these two decisions above, the next decision is whether to buy or rent your Dungster composting equipment.

Purchase Kits

10-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 11-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

20-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

30-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

40-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

Rent Kits

10-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 11-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

20-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

30-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.

40-Yard Basic Kit *

  • (2), 22-Foot long aeration pipe assemblies
  • (1) vertical header kit (kit works for any height dumpster) joining aeration pipes
  • (1) blower and basic on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs.


Cellular/Cloud Kit ***

  • Provides maximum temperature upper limit control
  • Twice daily logging/recording of actual temperatures
  • Push notifications of excessive temperatures and push notification of power failures.

Battery Back-up Kit ***

  • Keeps the Dungster aeration running during several hours of power loss.

Solar Powered Kit ***

  • Allows complete "off the grid" operation of Dungster composter. This package can operate as many as 4 solar composters.

* Basic Kit will mean some storing and doubling handling of the infeed raw materials. This since, when a dumpster is actively composting (for about 30-days) the new materials arriving daily must be stored somewhere. After the current composting session is finished, and the composter is emptied then this infeed raw material must be handled (again) to load into the Dungster composter.

** With the Premium Kit storing and doubling handling above is avoided.

*** Order one of these for as many as 4 solar powered Dungsters supported.

The most economical way to turn horse manure into compost Dumpster Kits avaiable for purchase or rental