• Potter County Community Action Plan Grant Funds On-farm Composting

    Potter County Community Action Plan Grant Funds On-farm Composting

    Coudersport PA – The Potter County Conservation District recently partnered with Summit Trail Rides and the Dungster LLC to implement a compostingsystem for sustainable manure management at their operation. What made the Summit Trail Rides equine boarding site desirable,…more>
  • Dungster on Display at Food Compost 2025 in Phoenix

    Visit of booth at Food Compost 2025 in January! The Dungster Composter is ideal for the growing food composting initiatives in urban areas and municipalities around the country. The Dungster Advantage. The patented Dungster Composting Kit uses the superior in-vessel composting…more>
  • New Environmental Options for your Dungster - Leachate Traps and Solar Power

    New optons include Leachate Traps, Solar Power and Loading Ramps. These items improve the use and function of the Dungster Composter. Solar Powered Blowers For those with no on-site power or those who want to operate off-the-grid. Design utilizes marine grade products,…more>
  • Dungster Exhibits at Equine Affaire Springfield Mass

    Dungster LLC will be exhibiting at the November 9-12 Equine Affaire in Springfiled MA. This, following the successful Equire Affaire event in April in Columbus Ohio. On the Dungster booth will be two new developments. First the smaller 10-yard capacity composter developed…more>
  • Dungster Adds Solar Powered Option

    Working with the Gaub Farm in Edinboro PA Dungster Dungster expanded their product offering to include off-the-grid composting.  Dungster's off-the-grid solution is supporting an aeration system housed in a composting vessel made up of the 2x2x6 foot stacked concrete…more>
  • Equine Affaire Free Trial Raffle Winner, DKN Farm in Marysville Ohio

    Equine Affaire Free Trial Raffle Winner, DKN Farm in Marysville Ohio

    Equine Affaire Free Trial Raffle Participants…we have the lucky winners! Many who visited the Dungster Booth # 1203 in the Bricker Building during the Equine Affaire Event joined a raffle to win a 6-month trial of the full-scale composting system that was on display. The…more>
  • Manure Composting Economics - Equine Affaire Presentation

    Manure Composting Economics - Equine Affaire Presentation

    Appropriately, on this Earth Day 2023, I am reaching out after we met last week at Equine Affaire event in Columbus Ohio and as I promised, I am providing you with access to my first PowerPoint presentation, “Manure Composting Economics”. The second and bonus…more>
  • Manure Composting Health, Hygiene, Ecology - Equine Affaire Presentation

    Manure Composting Health, Hygiene, Ecology - Equine Affaire Presentation

    Like the Earth Day message sent last Saturday when I released the “Manure Composting Economics” presentation, today I am releasing the second presentation I delivered at Equine Affaire entitled “Manure Composting; Health, Hygiene and Ecology”. The…more>
  • Pennsylvania's Nutrient Management Act (Act 38): Who Is Affected?

    Pennsylvania's Nutrient Management Act (Act 38): Who Is Affected?

    Learn how to calculate the animal density of an agricultural operation to determine if it is a Concentrated Animal Operation (CAO) and thereby required to implement an Act 38 nutrient management plan. [Go to the original article on Penn State's website] Updated:…more>
  • New report: Wisconsin doesn’t have enough land for all the manure

    by Isiah Holmes, Wisconsin Examiner February 15, 2022 A new report by the Environmental Working Group and Midwest Environmental Advocates (MEA) has found that in nine counties, animal manure is over-applied to farmland, exacerbating rural Wisconsin’s water quality…more>
  • A big win for clean water in Wisconsin

    by Tony Wilkin Gibart, Wisconsin Examiner July 12, 2021 Last week, the people of Wisconsin achieved an important victory in the fight for clean water and a healthy environment. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that current law gives the state authority to enforce water…more>