Dungster on Display at Food Compost 2025 in Phoenix
Visit of booth at Food Compost 2025 in January! The Dungster Composter is ideal for the growing food composting initiatives in urban areas and municipalities around the country.
The Dungster Advantage. The patented Dungster Composting Kit uses the superior in-vessel composting approach to efficiently convert food waste into valuable compost… quickly and affordably. In just 30 days, food waste is broken down into rich organic material using common roll-off dumpsters and the Dungster aeration kit which controls air flow and temperature to create the ideal bio-reactor conditions for optimal compost production.
Superior Concept
- Uses thermophilic composting method
- No turning material
- No moving parts or mechanical gear
- Rodent and bird proof
- Operator friendly
In-Vessel Composting
- Uses common unmodified dumpsters
- Aeration kit maintains optimal 140 degree cooking temperature
- Ideal conditions for rapid composting
- Batch using multiple dumpsters
Easy Entry into Composting
- Kits start at just over $2,000
- Rent or purchase options
- No site permits needed
Decentralized & Scalable
- Anywhere you can place a roll-off dumpster
- Start small with a 10 yard kit
- Locate at point-of-use
- Solar power optional
Food Waste Management… made easy!
The Dungster Composting systems is the fastest and easiest way to start and maintain an efficient food waste management program in any setting. Add additional units as needed perfect seasonal needs or special events.
- Simply drop a dumpster and lay in the kit
- No large capital investment required
- No rodent or bird problems using a closed container
- Operator friendly with limited involvement
- Can be deployed at special events
Get Strated... The Dungster Program
Basic Kits Purchase Rentals
10-Yard $2,190 $52
20-Yard $2,690 $73
30-Yard $3,080 $84
40-Yard $3,180 $87
(2) 11 or 22-foot aeration pipe assemblies, (1) vertical header manifold, (1) blower and on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs
Premium Kits Purchase Rentals
10-Yard $4,185 $98
20-Yard $5,185 $140
30-Yard $5,775 $157
40-Yard $5,975 $163
(4) 11 or 22-foot aeration pipe assemblies, (2) vertical header manifold, (1) blower and on-off timer control plus ancillary manuals and signs
The Dungster composter uses the in-vessel composting method (see In-vessel composting - Wikipedia) to turn tons of food waste, manure and other organics into stable, desirable compost in just 30 days. The Dungster composter efficiently converts the material by thermophilic composting (Wikipedia - Open Source Ecology). This composting method, like all composting, is the key to a sound waste management program. The high heat of the composting step (~150F) “sanitizes” the materials killing fly larvae, pathogens and rendering weed-seeds unable to germinate resulting in ideal organic material used as a soil amendment.