Dungster “Farmette” Composter
Dungster “Farmette” Composter
Scaled for those with less than 10 horses.
This composter uses the smallest of roll-off dumpsters, usually 10 cubic yards in volume. While small in size nothing in performance is compromised. The same health and enviromental benefits are enjoyed and the same quality compost is obtained at the end of the process.
Likewise, all the same options, such as covers and loading ramps fit, it simply requires less of these and therefore it all costs less than the larger composter using 20, 30 and 40-yard dumpsters. When the Dungster "Ramp-it-Up" loading ramps can be used this eliminates the need for a tractor during daily chores which is helpful at the smallest farmettes without a tractor. Some farmettes appreciate this even while owning a tractor because it is a safety advantage having no power equipment operating for daily chores.
An option to 10-yard dumpsters are concrete bunkers (see the Dungster webpages). These use concrete bin blocks measuring 2’x2’x6’. Dungster has worked with farms who already have these "bunkers" to enable them to host Dungster's fast, in-vessel composting apparatus. These are enormous “Lego” blocks made of concrete. Common geometry in composting bunkers, or bins, at a farmette are bunkers 12-feet long (two blocks six feet in length) by 4-feet high (two blocks, two feet in height) and 8-feet wide (rows positioned eight-feet apart). The length and height can be incrementally increased with more units. These blocks are also called ecology blocks, lug blocks, mafia blocks, knob blocks, v-blocks, waste blocks and storage blocks.
Dungster can assist you whether the composting vessel is a dumpster or an assembly of concrete blocks. Dungster supplies the aeration apparatus for either choice. Each vessel has strengths and weaknesses. Just reach out to Dungster LLC and we will advise you.
Many a farmette struggles with insufficient space. Cone shaped piles dumped on the ground outside the nearest stable door wastes space, attracts files, rodents, and other nuisances while an in-vessel composter is an efficient cubic-like shape saving space where the manure can be continiously deposited in a vessel, out of sight and quickly converted into compost. The elevated heat during composting sanitizes the material by killing weed seeds, insect larvae and worm eggs.
Either system, using concrete blocks or a 10-yard dumpster can be powered by household current (115-volt) or by solar power.
The most economical way to turn horse manure into compost Dumpster Kits avaiable for purchase or rental