Non-Dumpsters Concrete Bunkers
An option to using dumpsters are concrete bunkers as seen below. These use concrete bin blocks measuring 2’x2’x6’. Dungster has worked with farms who already have these manure storage "bunkers" to enable them to host Dungster's fast, in-vessel composting apparatus. These blocks are enormous “Lego” blocks made of concrete. Common geometry in composting bunkers, or bins, at a farmette are bunkers 6 or 12-feet long (one or two blocks six feet in length) by 4-feet high (two blocks, two feet in height) and 8-feet wide (rows positioned eight-feet apart). The length and height can be incrementally increased with more concrete blocks. For example, four blocks in length create a 24-foot long composting vessel which nearly matching the common dumpster (22-foot length). This is helpful so to utilize the standard Dungster aeration kit. These blocks are also called ecology blocks, lug blocks, mafia blocks, knob blocks, v-blocks, waste blocks and storage blocks.
Below are two bunkers side-by-side sharing a common/middle wall. The left bunker is readied for filling having the aeration pipes installed and coarse wood chips laying on the bottom (to assist in air distribution). The bunker on the right is actively composting. On the far right, in the back, are the solar panels as this is a solar powered installation.
Dungster can assist you whether the composting vessel is a dumpster or an assembly of concrete blocks. Dungster supplies the aeration apparatus for either choice. Each vessel has strengths and weaknesses. Just reach out to Dungster LLC and we will advise you in deciding which one to use.
The most economical way to turn horse manure into compost Dumpster Kits avaiable for purchase or rental